We have 2.700 good reasons to get involved

In the Alumni Club, you do not only find graduates, but also students and employees of the FH Upper Austria as well as partners from the fields of science and business. By connecting these contacts on a regular basis in an informal, but always professional way, new synergies are created. We would like to use this potential more effectively in the future. For you - but especially with you.

Ways to contribute for alumni:

The Alumni Club wants to actively involve graduates. Therefore, we offer you a variety of possibilities to support our work! Currently, for instance, you can fill out students' surveys or give us feedback regarding the club's work. If you prefer to present your employer or own company to other members or would like to hold an info talk or workshop at the FH Upper Austria, we invite you to contact us. Please click on one of the following widgets to get further information.

Ways to contribute for companies:

You are interested in presenting your company to our members or just want to introduce yourself to our alumni? No problem! We offer you a variety of possibilities to cooperate. You are self-employed coach? In this case, do not hesitate to contact us, too! We are always looking for further education events like lectures or workshops that help our alumni to climb the career ladder. For further information, please click on the following widgets.

Tell us your opinion Fill out some surveys to support students with their theses.